On my last day in Iceland, instead of focusing on packing and cleaning and trying to relax, I found myself in the recording studio at Hafnar.Haus. As it turns out, I had loads of fun talking with Josie Gaitens from East of Moon, a laboratory of social and community development for their podcast, Fellow Travellers.
The conversation was pretty broad. It gave me a chance to talk a bit about the background of my journey to Iceland, why I went there, and what I was interested in studying. But there's still so much left to explore, and the great thing about East of Moon is that they have the same openness and the same interest in communities and creativity as I do. I could have talked their ear off for another hour.
Largely, the podcast covers my research in Iceland and the role of research more broadly. We discussed creative spaces, creative methods of exploring cultural environments, and the ways we can engage with communities to achieve important goals.
If you're interested, click below. I strongly recommend subscribing to the podcast; I've been promised some interesting conversations are due to come up soon.